We need to see the PM’s homework

Community Union is pleased that the Government has accepted the recommendation of the School Teachers’ Review Body in regards to teachers’ pay in England.

Teachers throughout our education system play a vital role in developing our children’s futures and their pay must reflect this. However, we are not yet clear on the Government’s plans for tackling the wider issues in our schools.

This crisis in education goes beyond pay it’s also an issue of workload and budgets which are driving teachers out of the profession and keeping staff from doing what we need them to do which is teach. The Department for Education’s new Workload Taskforce needs to tackle this issue head on and engage openly with teachers and unions.

Across our education system schools are struggling to find spaces in their budgets for the basics like books, pens and paper.

Our asks for the Government are clear:

  • A fully detailed plan on making sure school budgets can deliver the education our children deserve
  • An increase of PPA time to 20%, taking account of the additional duties expected of our teachers
  • And steps to ensure that the whole pay and appraisal system supports the retention of experienced teachers rather than only focussing on newer less experienced teachers.

Helen Osgood, National Officer for Community Union, said:

“Today’s announcement is a step in the right direction, but we need to see a detailed and robust plan from the Government on tackling pay, teacher shortages and workload.

“There’s simply not enough money in our education system. We need to see the Government increase school budgets to ensure headteachers and teachers can provide the education our children deserve.

“Sadly the Government have not shown their homework on how they’re going to tackle the wider crisis in our schools.

“We need to see more robust school budgets, an increase of PPA time and steps to ensure that the whole pay and appraisal system supports the retention of experienced teachers.

“The Government’s plan is due, we can’t afford to wait anymore.”

Further information

School Teachers’ Review Body 33rd report: 2023

Calculate teacher pay (DfE)

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