The importance of industrial strategy and a just transition

If we are serious about a greener future, we need a strategic industrial plan with commitments on procurement, energy prices and actions protecting primary steel production in the UK, not leaving our national security susceptible to dirty imports from China, India, and other countries.

There has been much talk within the UK steel industry over the past few years about using hydrogen to bring about green steel to help the UK hit its commitments to decarbonise. However, the UK’s production of hydrogen is woefully inadequate in comparison to other nations.

During their time in power, the Conservative Government remained wedded to a hands-off free market approach with nothing more than a 10-point policy announcement which is basically a debilitated hope that the private sector will deliver. However, it is only when there is a joined-up integrated approach that involves all private and public stakeholders within the energy and manufacturing industries that we can have confidence in a decarbonised future that benefits all. With the new Labour Government, Community remains committed to fighting for a fair just transition that benefits steel workers, steel communities and our environment.

Speaking on the importance of an industrial strategy and Just Transition for the steel industry, Community NEC member and Multi-Union Chair at Port Talbot, Alan Coombs said:

“There is no pathway to Net Zero without steel. Whether it is for offshore or onshore wind turbines, electric vehicles, energy-efficient buildings, or any other form of green infrastructure in the public or private sector – steel will be the key component.

“Steelworkers stand ready and willing to play our part. To paraphrase The Beatles, if you say you want a green revolution, you can count us in.

“That is why we want proper support to help our industry decarbonise – the sort of ambitious investment the Labour Party has pledged, rather than the bargain basement deal Tata and Rishi Sunak signed off. Never again can we have a government using £500 million pounds of taxpayer money to scrap our primary steelmaking capacity and leave us at the whim of imports from heavy-polluting countries like China.

“That’s why it’s so important that Community continues to bang the drum for a just transition for steel and a pathway for new technologies like hydrogen to support the UK’s overall decarbonisation strategy.”

To meet the 2050 Net Zero target in the UK, decisions need to be urgently taken by government to help define hydrogen’s place in the UK’s overall decarbonisation strategy – ensuring that we deliver a just transition for our steel industry and retain our strategic steel making capacity.

At our 2024 Biennial Delegate Conference, Community, our members, and our National Executive have committed to lobbying government to outline a strategic industrial plan that:

  • Supports the UK steel industry.
  • Secures a just transition for the steel industry.
  • Provides pathway of scientific and technological progress needed to allow hydrogen to play its part in our country’s energy system.

Join the union for steelworkers today

At Community, we are committed to fighting for a just transition that sees steelworkers and the UK steel industry thrive. Our steel industry has stood proud for centuries and cannot be replaced by cheap foreign imports. Join us today and help us to fight for a better future for the UK steel industry.

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