Branch President/Vice President

As a Community Branch President or Vice President, you will play a key part in the management of your branch and of the members that belong to your branch.

The responsibilities of a Community Branch President/Vice President include:

  • Taking part in all meetings.
  • Ensuring the business of the branch is conducted correctly.
  • Signing the minutes of each meeting to confirm their accuracy.
  • In the result of a tie on an issue, taking the casting vote.
  • General supervision of all branch finances.
  • Keeping up to date membership records of your branch (regular six-monthly checks).
  • Undertaking regular branch health checks alongside the Regional Organiser.
  • Sending all agreements to your regional office.
  • Ensuring that member data is kept safe.

The Branch Vice President deputises for the President when they are not available.

What training is provided?

Community would never expect you to undertake this role without proper training. To ensure you are confident in your role as a Branch President/Vice President our team offer in-person and virtual training on diverse topics to support you in your role. This includes, but is not limited to, your role and responsibilities, management of your branch, chairing and minuting meetings, member data health checks and more.

If Community is recognised in your workplace, your workplace should offer facility time to cover your time training.

Visit our  events calendar to register for upcoming training.

As a Representative, you also get access to our RepCentre – a central hub for all the resources and information you need as a Community Branch President/Vice President.

We recommend you take full advantage of our Representative training opportunities. If you have any queries, please contact us.

What are my rights?

As a Branch President/Vice President, you have certain rights under employment law. These are set out in the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) code of practice. This includes time off for union duties.

Interested in becoming a President/Vice President?

If you are interested in becoming a Community President or Vice President, please speak with a Community Rep at your workplace if you have one, and they’ll able to explain what opportunities are available. Don’t have a Rep at work, or want further information? Contact your regional team today to see what opportunities are available.

Register your interest

If you have any queries about becoming a Community Branch President/Vice President, or the training involved, please contact us by completing this form or on 0800 389 6332.


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