What you need to know about conversion therapy

A photograph of two gay men in therapy, discussing the affects of conversion therapy on their mental health.

When you think of conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), or gender identity change efforts (GICE) – you may think of the archaic practice that took place in the nineteenth century where lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT+) people underwent torturous practices to “cure” their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, even to this day, many LGBT+ people still undergo emotional and psychological conversion therapies across the UK. 

Over four years ago, the government proposed a ban on conversion therapy, however even now this inhuman, cruel, and abhorrent practice is still legal. To protect all LGBT+ people in the UK, a conversion therapy ban must be holistic and comprehensive. 

At our 2022 biennial delegate conference, Community, alongside our members agreed to stand up for our LGBT+ community and challenge the UK government to ban this practice for ALL LGBT+ people. The below guidance provides an overview on what conversion therapy is, and how you can help us to fight for a ban on the practice, and make your workplace, and the UK a safer place for LGBT+ people.

If you need help or advice, please contact us at help@community-tu.org or on 0800 389 6332.


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