Aartee Bright Bar crashing into administration is result of government’s negligence

Responding to the news of Aartee Bright Bar going into administration, National Officer Alun Davies said:

“The news of Aartee Bright Bar crashing into administration is extremely worrying. All parties must do whatever it takes to protect the workforce in this difficult process.

“These developments demonstrate the extreme pressures the industry is under. This is the price of the government’s negligence and its failure to act on issues like energy costs and procurement.”

Further information:

Community is the steelworkers’ union. More steelworkers are members of Community than any other union. We have a history dating back over a century, representing members and campaigning to protect Britain’s steel industry.

  • 11,522 people signed the Britain, we need our steel petition. You read about the petition here 
  • 33,000 people are directly employed by Britain’s steel industry.
  • An additional 40,000 people work in the steel supply chain. Those jobs are reliant on the future of the industry too.
  • Over 88 per cent of steelworkers are the main earner in their household.
  • £6 billion is what Britain’s steel industry will be worth by 2030.
  • £3 billion is the value of exports from Britain’s steel industry.

If you are a member of Community and need help or advice, please contact us at help@community-tu.org or on 0800 389 6332.

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