Community is giving a voice to betting shop staff at independent bookies and major chains across the country. We strive to ensure that all staff are respected and protected at work.
Over the years, we have provided legal advice and representation to thousands of betting shop workers – and supported many more through grievances, disciplinary action and Employment Tribunals.
Community’s minimum standards campaign for working in betting shops led to us being recognised as a key industry stakeholder, and we worked with the employers on the Safe Bet Alliance that resulted in a 45% reduction in betting shop robberies in London. We’ve subsequently continued dialogue with the major employers in the sector around your safety and security.
Our work doesn’t stop there. We are demanding that all betting shop workers are not subject to verbal and physical abuse at work, and we won’t stop until there are the requisite safeguards in place to protect workers from abuse and threatening behaviour.
There’s a long way to go to improve the working conditions in betting shops.
By joining Community, you and your colleagues can start to benefit from a stronger voice – but to make a bigger impact, we need more betting shop workers like you to get involved to make tangible positive changes at your workplace.
We’re fighting for a better working world, and we want you to join us.
Find out more about why you should join Community here.
For more information, contact
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