Statement – Operation Early Dawn in prisons

Responding to the UK Government’s decision to trigger Operation Early Dawn to avoid prison overcrowding, Gavin Miller, Community’s National Officer for the Justice and Custodial Sector, said:

“Over the last fourteen years justice and custodial workers have helped to hold together a creaking prison service against a backdrop of increased pressures and danger at work. The appalling rise in assaults on prison staff is reflective of the increased risk so many of our members face on a daily basis.

“This is linked to a legacy of underfunding and systemic neglect by the previous government, and it will take time to fix many of the problems that were created and exacerbated by a revolving door of Tory ministers at the MOJ.

“In that challenging context, we understand the necessity of implementing Operation Early Dawn as a short-term measure. At the same time, we are aware that the implementation of the policy will inevitably add to the already-heavy workload of our members working in electronic tagging services. It is important that staff are properly resourced for these increased duties.

“In the longer-term, we need wider action to address the issues facing the justice and custodial sector, and we welcome the Labour government’s firm commitment to undertaking that important work. We look forward to working with the government on our campaigns to keep prison officers and the public safe. This should include a plan to reduce the number of assaults on staff – including through tougher responses to attacks and improved health and safety across the sector, and the introduction of Minimum Safe Staffing levels in all private prison contracts.”

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