Health and Safety Representative

As a Community Health and Safety Representative, you will represent the interests and concerns of members and their health and safety. You will represent Community to your colleagues and be expected to update them and management on health and safety legislation as well as working to create a safe and healthy environment.  

The responsibilities of a Community Health and Safety Representative include: 

  • Ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. 
  • Taking up members’ health and safety concerns. 
  • Liaising with Regional Organisers and Community’s Head of Health and Safety on health and safety issues. 
  • Representing members when speaking to management about health and safety concerns. 

What training is provided?

Community would never expect you to undertake this role without proper training. To ensure you are confident in your role as a Health and Safety Representative, our team offer in-person and virtual training on various topics to support you in your role. This includes, but is not limited to, your role and responsibilities, communicating health and safety issues with employers and inspectors, health and safety legislation, identifying and minimising hazards, new technology and carrying out inspections. 

If Community is recognised in your workplace, your workplace should offer facility time to cover your time training.

Visit our events calendar to register for upcoming training. 

As a representative, you also get access to our RepCentre – a central hub for all the resources and information you need as a Community Health and Safety Representative. 

We recommend you take full advantage of our representative training opportunities. If you have any queries, please contact us.

What are my rights?

As a Health and Safety Representative, you have rights under the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations. This includes the right to require employers to set up safety committees and inform you on matters relating to health and safety. You will also have the right to take part in risk assessments, investigate potential hazards, carry out inspections, meet staff and other health and safety representatives on matters relating to health and safety, access to the accident book, inspectors’ reports, hygiene surveys and the right to be consulted on new working practices and new technology in the workplace. 

Interested in becoming a Health and Safety Representative?

If you are interested in becoming a Community Health and Safety Representative, please speak with a Community Rep at your workplace if you have one, and they’ll able to explain what opportunities are available. Don’t have a Rep at work, or want further information? Contact our health and safety team today to see what opportunities are available.

Register your interest

If you have any queries about becoming a Community Health and Safety Representative, or the training involved, please contact us at or on 0800 389 6332.


Not a member?
Let’s get to know each other.


"*" indicates required fields


"*" indicates required fields

Do you live in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, or the BANES?*
Are you a Community member?*
Are you in active employment?*
What type of learning would you like to access (please tick all that apply)*
Do you have a disability?
What is your gender?

Do you have a learning disability?
Where do you prefer to learn?*