Minimum Service Levels legislation repealed

Community welcomes the UK Labour Government’s decision to repeal Minimum Service Level legislation in the education sector.

The decision to repeal the legislation, as announced by the Department of Education today, follows a concerted campaign by education unions. Community members had unanimously passed a motion calling for the repeal of the legislation at our Biennial Delegate Conference in Brighton in June.

Helen Osgood, Community’s National Officer for Education and Early Years, said:
“We welcome the repeal of Minimum Service Levels legislation. This is another positive step towards supporting our educators and ensuring that workers within the sector feel valued and respected – demonstrating the power of a Labour government that are prepared to support the sector rather than denigrate it. Whilst this is a really encouraging measure, there is still a long way to go towards ensuring that teaching and working in education is a long term and viable career that people can aspire to.”
Community rep Jane Hetherington, who recently helped move a motion on repealing Minimum Service Legislation at our union’s Biennial Delegate Conference, said:
“There’s no doubt at all that the previous Conservative government were intent on using the so-called ‘minimum services guarantee’ to undermine trade unions seeking to protect and promote the interests of their members. Staff, pupils and parents were never a consideration: this legislation was always about politics and attacking the trade union movement. It’s great news that the Labour government has taken swift action to remove this damaging piece of legislation from the statute book. It is already making a huge difference to have a government that will listen to the voices of education workers and work with us to improve outcomes for teachers, support staff and pupils.”

Community is the union for education and early years professionals: representing teachers, headteachers, education, school support staff and early years staff. With over fifty years’ experience, we represent members and campaign to improve conditions for education and early years professionals. We are a modern trade union, campaigning for a better working world.

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