Terms and Conditions
Loss of driver’s license cover
In the event of a member’s Class 1, Class 2 or PSV professional driver’s license being revoked by the Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency (DVLA) in the United Kingdom and the member being permanently disqualified from holding a driver’s license as a direct result of injury or sickness, the union agrees to pay a sum to the member equivalent to the amount covered, providing that:
- The accident giving rise to the injury or the sickness occurs during the member’s compliant membership with the union and providing that the member’s payment premiums to the specific benefit are compliant.
- The member is in full-time employment and is employed as a Class 1, Class 2 or PSV professional driver of a road vehicle at the time of revocation, the loss of driver’s license resulting in the member being dismissed from employment.
- The member is self-employed* and is unable to continue to fulfil or carry out the agreed responsibilities under the Contract for Services in which the member is engaged as a result of the revocation of license.
*The member must be engaged in a relevant Contract for Services at the time of revocation of license, or in the 12 month period immediately prior to the revocation of license.
Limitations and Exclusions
Alcohol, Drugs & Narcotics
The union will not provide cover for any loss, and excludes payment of benefit where:
- Injury or sickness is directly or indirectly caused by the member being under the influence of alcohol, as defined by the motor vehicle laws of the United Kingdom;
- Injury or sickness is directly or indirectly caused by the member being under the influence of drugs or narcotics that are not lawfully available, unless legally prescribed for the member by a healthcare practitioner
or as a direct or indirect result of the member’s own alcoholism or drug addiction.
Deliberate Exposure
The union will not provide cover for any loss, and excludes payment of benefit where injury or sickness is directly or indirectly caused by or is consequent upon deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in the normal course of normal occupational duties or in an attempt to save human life), or the member’s own criminal act.
Pre-existing Conditions
The union will not provide cover for any loss, and excludes payment of benefit where the loss of license results directly or indirectly from the member suffering any physical defect, infirmity, medical condition, mental or nervous disorder of any kind, including stress and depression, for which medical treatment has been received in the twelve (12) month period immediately preceding the joining date of the benefit.
Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury
The union will not provide cover for any loss, and excludes payment of benefit where the loss of license results directly or indirectly from attempted suicide, intentional self-inflicted injury including self-inflicted injury arising from mental illness or insanity.
Other Terms of Exclusion
No benefit shall be payable if the date of first diagnosis by a healthcare practitioner is more than 12 months prior to the date that the license was revoked.
No benefit shall be payable in the event of death.
The benefit will not carry interest.
No benefit shall be payable in the event that the member is out of compliance of union membership on the date of revocation of license.
Applications under the benefit from members aged 67 or over, at the time of application, will not be accepted. Further, the benefit will no longer be available to members beyond the age of 67.
General Exclusions
The union will not provide cover for any loss, and excludes payment of benefit where the loss of license results directly or indirectly from:
- The member engaging in air travel as a pilot;
- The member engaging in or taking part in naval, military or air force service or operations;
- Nuclear hazards;
- War.
Duties in the event of a claim or potential claim
Claim Notification
The member will give notice in writing to the union as soon as reasonable practicable and at least within ninety (90) days from the date of license revocation.
The member will:
- Always act honestly, there being no rights to any form of payment of benefit in the event that any claim is made fraudulently;
- Give all such information, assistance and forward all documents to enable the union to investigate, settle or resist any claim for payment under the benefit as the union may require;
- Provide such proofs and information with respect to the claim for payment under the benefit as may reasonably be required, together with (if demanded) a statutory declaration of the truth of the claim and any matters connected therewith;
- Not destroy evidence or supporting information or documentation without the union’s prior consent;
- Fully co-operate with and assist the union in the investigation and evaluation of the claim, including obtaining any other records the union deems necessary to evaluate the incident or claim for payment under the benefit;
- Authorise the union to obtain medical records or other pertinent information upon request, but only where legally permitted to do so in the event of an event involving injury, sickness or disablement.
After initial submission of a claim, the union may be allowed to instruct a medical examiner, so often as may be deemed necessary to conduct an examination of the member.
Legal Support
Legal support will be available to members, subject to the following clauses, in such circumstances where the member is accused of a driving offence, whilst driving in the course of their employment.
The member will immediately send to the union copies of any request, demand, order, notice, summons, legal paper and all documents relating thereto in connection with an alleged Road Traffic Offence. In addition, the member must co-operate with the union or the appointed agent to allow them to comply with such relevant practice directions and legal action protocols.
Legal support will not be available for strict liability offences including, speeding offences, driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs related charges, infringement of seat belt or mobile phone laws or parking tickets.
Payment of Premiums
Premiums under the benefit will be paid by the member and collected by the union in conjunction with and at the same or a similar time and frequency to the member’s union membership subscriptions.
Coverage under the benefit will be on a rolling monthly basis i.e. payment and receipt of the benefit premium for one (1) month will provide immediate cover under the benefit for a period of one (1) month after the date of payment and receipt of the premium.
Failure by the member to ensure that payment of the premium is made on the due date will render coverage under the benefit to be immediately expired.
The member may cancel subscription to the benefit at any time. Such cancellation shall not affect the coverage or premiums paid under the benefit prior to cancellation.
The union may at any time serve written notice on the member at the current address provided by the member, cancelling the benefit with effect from the thirtieth (30th) day after service of the notice. Such cancellation shall not affect the coverage or premiums paid under the benefit prior to cancellation. Without prejudice to any other form of service, the notice of cancellation is deemed to be served on the third (3rd) day after being posted if sent by pre-paid letter post properly addressed.
Upon demand the union will return to the member a part of any premium paid in excess of that proportionate to the pre-cancelled portion of the premium.
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