Excellence in Health and Safety Award
The Excellence in Health and Safety Award will be awarded to a Rep* who has made significant and vital changes in improving health and safety practices at work and beyond. Nominations for 2023 are now closed.
Who to nominate?
When nominating a Rep for the Excellence in Health and Safety Award, consider the below criteria:
- the nominee has developed an extensive health and safety plan;
- the nominee has worked with your employer to ensure health and safety matters at work are prioritised;
- the nominee actively engages on health and safety matters;
- the nominee adapts health and safety practices in accordance with any changes;
- the nominee meets with members to discuss their health and safety concerns; and
- the nominee encourages new health and safety measures to be put in place.
Nominate your rep for the Excellence in Health and Safety Award
"*" indicates required fields
If you have any queries about Rep Awards or are interested in learning more about becoming a Community Rep, please contact us at help@community-tu.org or on 0800 389 6332.
*Members of the Community National Executive (NEC) are not eligible to be nominated for the Excellence in Health and Safety Award.
Excellence in Health and Safety Award winners
"*" indicates required fields