Late payment support

Income is important for any business, however for the self-employed, it can mean the difference between being able to afford to eat, pay bills and keep your business running, meaning even the smallest delay in payment can have dire consequences.

For many self-employed and freelance workers, late payments are an unfortunate reality. In the UK, self-employed workers are owed well over £20 billion, with the average self-employed worker chasing £7,000 in late or unpaid payments. The longer it is left, the bigger of an issue it becomes. That’s where Community comes in.

As a self-employed member of Community, you have access to our team of legal advisors who can not only help to chase clients for monies owed, but also help to look over client contracts, and if necessary, walk clients through the small claims procedure through small claims court to get any money owed. 99% of the time, late payers pay up when our members loop us into correspondence.

Find out more about the support available to you below as a self-employed worker dealing with late or unpaid payments, as well as our We are the UK Self-Employed campaign where we are calling for more viable and effective routes for resolving payment concerns.

Get support with a late or unpaid payment

Get support with a late or unpaid payment

We want to get any money owed back into our members’ pockets and into their businesses, so if you are struggling with a client who isn’t paying, our team of legal advisors are on hand to help you.

This content is for Community members only.  Log in here or join.
Get support with a late or unpaid payment

Help us secure better rights for the self-employed

Help us secure better rights for the self-employed

Through our We are the UK’s Self-Employed campaign, we are calling for more awareness and protections for the self-employed around late payments, as well as a right to a written contract, sick pay, paid parental leave and more.

Help us secure better rights for the self-employed

Join the union for the self-employed and freelancers

Join the union for the self-employed and freelancers

At Community, we’re the proud champion of the over 4 million strong self-employed workforce across the UK. We’re bringing together the self-employed and freelancers to give you a collective voice and fight for much needed change while maintaining the freedom and flexibility that you deserve.

Join the union for the self-employed and freelancers

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