How Community helped me take on my bullying managers

This blog was written by one of our members anonymously. 

Community supported me through a really lengthy and difficult period where I experienced bullying, harassment and retaliation from senior managers.

During an incredibly stressful period, Community Reps provided me with really invaluable support and guidance. They were always incredibly responsive and generous with their time despite this being a really complex and protracted spell where at times it felt we needed to be in almost constant communication.

I’d have felt really exposed if I didn’t have the union on my side, and it would have really negatively affected my mental health.

I eventually reached an outcome to my situation which wouldn’t have been possible without Community Reps being there for me every step of the way. I can now look forward to the future with confidence, and not let a really unpleasant period define me or undermine my well-being.

My advice is that everyone should join Community. Though you hope you’ll never find yourself in a situation where you might need this type of support, Community Reps fought my corner and ensured that my legal rights were respected at all times.

I can now look forward to the future with confidence

I can’t thank my brilliant and committed Community Rep enough for everything they’ve done for me.

If you are a member of Community and need help or advice, please contact us at or on 0800 389 6332.


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