Community welcomes scrapping of Schools Bill

Community has welcomed news that the Schools Bill for England will not progress any further.

Helen Osgood, National Officer for Education & Early Years, said:

“Community welcomes the scrapping of the Schools Bill, especially the vast power grab by the Education Secretary that was proposed in part 1.

“There were major changes proposed in the bill, but they did little to help schools and did not address the concerns of the workforce.

“Community was opposed to this bill and is pleased that it has been finally withdrawn.

“However, it is important that schools and their staff remain at the top of the agenda.

“We remain concerned about what the Secretary of State’s plans are for education, with desperate calls for additional funding to support vulnerable children going unheard.

“There seems to be little coming out of the government that will provide the much-needed help to address many of the challenges our members are facing in schools and nurseries.

“The winter of discontent and turmoil continues.”

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