STRB Report – Consultation Response

Community and fellow education unions ASCL, NAHT, NASUWT and NEU have jointly responded to the consultation on the Government’s proposals for implementing the recommendations of the School Teachers’ Review Body 34th Report 2024. The response, which you can read in full here, sets out the united view of the unions on the key issues.

The unions welcome the 5.5% pay increase for this year but are clear that this must be only the first in a series of urgent steps to reverse the pay cuts against inflation inflicted on teachers and school leaders between 2010 and 2023. With recruitment targets being missed by huge amounts, teacher shortages across the curriculum and experienced teachers leaving the profession in droves, the Government must act quickly to restore the pay lost and repair the competitive position of teaching against comparable graduate professions. It must also work with the unions to implement a fair and transparent national pay structure to replace unfair PRP and fragmented pay arrangements. Targeted pay should play no part in the core pay framework.

Alongside the pay improvements, the new Government must work with the unions on effective improvements to workload. Significant reductions in workload and improved flexible working are, along with improvements to pay, essential to solving the recruitment and retention crisis.

The unions want to work with the new Government on the solutions to the many problems caused by the underfunding of education and undervaluing of educators. But the unions are clear that the major repairs needed to pay and conditions cannot be secured within the existing inadequate school funding envelope. The Government must fully fund the improvements needed to value, recruit and retain the teachers and school leaders needed to deliver our vital education service.

Helen Osgood, Community’s Operations Director and National Officer for Education and Early Years, said: 

“This year’s pay increase is a welcome starting point, after decades of cuts and decline, and we look forward to working with the Government and fellow unions to build on this to create a longer term strategy on teachers’ pay that will address the ongoing recruitment and retention crisis affecting our profession.

“Reducing workload, increasing planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time and improving flexible working must also be at the heart of a better deal for teachers.”

Community is a union for education and early years professionals: representing teachers, headteachers, education, school support staff and early years staff. With over fifty years’ experience, we represent members and campaign to improve conditions for education and early years professionals. We are a modern trade union, campaigning for a better working world.
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