Statement – Wales Public Sector Pay Award

Responding to today’s Welsh Government statement on the public sector pay award, Helen Osgood, Community Union’s National Officer for Education and Early Years, said:

“We welcome the First Minister’s statement and the recognition of the need for a substantive pay rise for teachers across Wales. We will be surveying our members in Wales over the weeks ahead and responding in full to the consultation.

“Our members across the education sector have been hit hard by the rising cost of living and deserve proper recompense for their work, which extends far beyond classroom hours. If we are to stem the recruitment and retention crisis we have seen in the sector over the last decade or more, it is critical that all educational professionals feel valued and respected – an improved pay package is an important component in that.”

Community is the union for education and early years professionals: representing teachers, headteachers, education, school support staff and early years staff. With over fifty years’ experience, we represent members and campaign to improve conditions for education and early years professionals. We are a modern trade union, campaigning for a better working world.

If you are a member of Community and need advice or support, please contact our Service Centre at or on 0800 389 6332.

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