Meet our new Union Learning Reps in Glasgow

Our NSPCC and Childline branch in Scotland has recently recruited two new Union Learning Reps (ULRs) – Linda Mooney and Pauline Davis who are both Childline counsellors in the Glasgow office.

Linda and Pauline came forward as ULRs because they wanted to play a more active part in their branch but also because they wanted to help the members in their workplace to access more learning and training, and to help them develop themselves both professional and professionally.

Linda has already taken part in some union learning courses and wanted to see other staff members also have the opportunity to attend them. She said:

“I’m fortunate that I have had the chance to attend union learning courses before and I always get so much out of them. I’d love to see that for all our branch particularly with the training I’ve received in mental health. We all know how challenging the last two years have been but when you already have a challenging and demanding job working with vulnerable children and families, you can only imagine the stress and strains that our members in NSPCC and Childline have been under. Being able to help our members with this is why I became a union learning rep.”

Linda and Pauline, accompanied by Linda’s guide dog Josh, attended the 4-day Advanced ULR course in Quorn Grange in February and thoroughly enjoyed the course. Pauline said:

“I’m quite new to the union activity so it was great to meet other reps from across the country and from different workplaces. It was so interesting hearing how different all our workplaces are – yet we have so much in common, with the same barriers to learning and we all want to help our members get back into learning. I’m really looking forward to getting started in this new role.”

Susan Cassidy, the Learning Organiser for Scotland has been working with Linda and Pauline, said:

“It’s really great to have Linda and Pauline onboard and I know how keen they are to get started. They have already been working closely with myself and their Branch Secretary Paul to start promoting their role and the work that a ULR does, and we will be distributing our first learning survey in the next few weeks. I’m really looking forward to seeing what we can achieve for our members at this workplace.”

Union Learning Reps help members across our workplaces with training and development. If you are interested in becoming a Union Learning Representative, click here to find out more.

If you are a member of Community and need help or advice, please contact us at or on 0800 389 6332.


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