New era of partnership with DfE welcomed

Community has welcomed a new era of partnership with the Department of Education following a meeting between education workforce unions and Secretary of State Bridget Phillipson this week.

During the meeting, the Education Secretary discussed plans to forge a new model for government to work in partnership with core education stakeholders in the school and college space, “contributing staff and employer perspectives to emerging policy at an early stage.”

Helen Osgood, Community’s National Officer for Education and Early Years, said:

“The meeting with the Education Secretary this week was constructive and hugely positive, heralding a complete refresh of the way the Department of Education works with educators’ unions like Community. The opportunity to work in partnership with government to develop policies that benefit educators and learners represents a sea-change from the dismissive approach to voices from the sector which was so prevalent under a succession of Conservative ministers over the last fourteen years.

“We welcome the forward-looking approach Bridget Phillipson has taken, and share her determination to break down barriers to opportunity for our children and young people and for everyone working in the education sector.”

Martin Hodge, Community’s Head of Education Policy, said:

“For too long now unions representing the education workforce have felt cut off from policy-making. On countless occasions under the previous Conservative government, we were only informed about key government decisions affecting our members after they been made, with little or no consultation involved.

“Bridget Phillipson and the Labour government have clearly recognised that something needed to change, and we welcome their early commitment to a new way of working. A new partnership approach will ensure the voices of our members in schools and colleges are heard, and we look forward to playing our part in shaping policies which deliver for every learner up and down the country, regardless of their background.”

Community is a union for education and early years professionals: representing teachers, headteachers, education, school support staff and early years staff. With over fifty years’ experience, we represent members and campaign to improve conditions for education and early years professionals. We are a modern trade union, campaigning for a better working world.

If you are a member of Community and need advice or support, please contact our Service Centre at or on 0800 389 6332.

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