Settlement agreement advice & support

There may come a point in time where your relationship with your employer needs to come to an end, as part of which you may be offered a settlement agreement to resolve an ongoing dispute. A settlement agreement is a legally binding agreement that sets out the terms and conditions in terminating an employee’s employment or resolving a dispute and must be agreed upon by both parties to be lawful.

Why choose Community to assist with your settlement agreement?

For your settlement agreement to be legally binding, you must seek legal advice, and as a member of Community, this service is provided 100% free to Community members, and your employer will be invoiced for any fees incurred.

Our in-house legal team has extensive knowledge and experience in advising and supporting our members across different sectors and industries in understanding the terms of your settlement agreement, as well as what your employer’s obligations are. We cannot advise you on whether the terms of your settlement agreement are good or bad.

Following advice, we then certificate the advice and return this to your employer, making it legally binding.

How do I get advice regarding a settlement agreement from Community?

If you have been offered a settlement agreement, you should speak to your Branch Secretary (if you are in a recognised Community branch) or our Member Service Centre on 0800 389 6332, at, or by filling out this form. Please note that Community is unable to assist with any issue that pre-exists your membership with us.

Your matter will then be passed on to a Community Regional Officer or representative who will assist you in completing an application for legal assistance, and a relevant legal representative will be appointed to advise you on your settlement agreement.

Frequently asked questions about settlement agreements


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