Maths and English

English and maths skills and qualifications can help you develop at work, as well as making you more comfortable and confident in your work and personal life. 

Not sure how good your maths and English skills are? Take free assessments for English and maths through this SkillCheck.

Bitesize learning

Through our partner organisation Wranx you can access bitesize courses in English and maths. Access Wranx English and maths courses here

CPD qualification learning

Through our partners at The Skills Academy, you can access free maths and English CPD recognised courses. You’ll receive a certificate on completion too. Access CPD maths and English by completing this form

Open University

You can find free maths & English courses with the Open University here.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

ESOL Skills for Life qualifications support speakers of other languages based within the UK to develop their English language skills for work, further learning or everyday life. These qualifications are for anyone based in the UK needing to improve their understanding and use of written or spoken English. This might be to help get on at work (or get a job), prepare for further study, access public services, or just to function more effectively in an English-speaking environment. 

ESOL learners will develop and improve their language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. They will encounter topics which are both familiar and relevant to them. Topics include:

  • personal details/experiences
  • work
  • education/training
  • housing
  • family and friends
  • health
  • transport
  • weather
  • buying goods
  • leisure
  • UK society

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at 

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