Green steel can help us seize the moment

We are pleased to see the CBI today launch ‘Seize The Moment’, an innovative strategy to rebuild our economy post-Coronavirus.

In this strategy they’ve outlined six ways to transform our economy in the future, building an economy that is decarbonised, innovative, globalised, regionally thriving, inclusive and healthy. This joined-up strategy recognises the unique opportunity we have to work towards a net-zero future.

We believe that a net-zero future is possible and achievable, and that green steel is essential to making that happen. There’s no time to lose as our main European competitors are years ahead of us, so this strategy must inject urgency and be seriously considered by all stakeholders. Given that transporting a tonne of steel from China costs fifty times more CO2 than a tonne sourced domestically, green steel is vital for us to meet our net-zero objectives.

Backing our sector to decarbonise is a test of the Government’s commitment to British industry, to the green industrial revolution, and to supporting industrial towns and communities. A Just Transition to a zero carbon future is crucial for supporting these towns.

We strongly back the CBI’s call to tackle the major challenges facing our nation, and share their view that 2021 must be a turning point for the U.K. economy. We look forward to working with employers in the coming years to make this vision a reality.

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