Education recovery report comment

Commenting on the Education Policy Institute’s report Education recovery and resilience in England, Deborah Lawson, Assistant General Secretary of Community Union (Voice Community education section) said:

“We welcome publication of EPI’s report for highlighting the scale of the challenge and the investment needed from the Government.

“The Government must make the necessary investment in funding, staffing and resources to support pupils and our education system.

“Extended schools and targeted support for disadvantaged pupils potentially have an important role in education ‘recovery’. However, they must be fully funded and not place any additional workload burdens on already over-worked and exhausted school staff on top of their normal duties.

“While it is only recommended for a small number of pupils, we are particularly concerned about the suggestion of pupils repeating a year.  This has potential for  students to become disillusioned and disaffected, and is not proven to improve achievement.”

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