Community backs plan to close digital skills gap

Community is supporting FutureDotNow’s Workforce Digital Skills Charter, a campaign aimed at closing the essential digital skills gap in the UK workforce.

Community has joined over 100 cross-sector organisations – including the likes of Lloyds Banking Group, Nationwide, M&S and PwC – in signing the Charter, which calls on the government to support a ‘Great Digital Catch Up’ for working-age adults, boosting economic growth and breaking down barriers to opportunity for all.

FutureDotNow have highlighted a significant lack of essential digital skills among adults in the UK, with nearly 22 million working-age adults missing digital essentials for the workplace. This equates to around 54% of the total labour force.

Community General Secretary Roy Rickhuss CBE said:

“Community is pleased to sign up to the Workforce Digital Skills Charter, which recognises just how important it is that workers across the country are supported in building up the essential digital skills needed for the workplaces of today and tomorrow. Learning is a huge part of our mission as a union, and our reps play an active role in supporting our members with skills growth and career development. With the rise of automation and AI already affecting the world of work, it’s become increasingly important that our work to upskill members includes digital education.

“Closing the digital skills gap is essential, and trade unions have a role to play – working together with stakeholders in the private and public sectors, including the government itself – to ensure that the British workforce has the tools it needs to approach the new digital age with confidence. Community looks forward to working with FutureDotNow on that mission.”

To read more on FutureDotNow’s Workforce Digital Skills Charter visit:

If you are a member of Community and need advice or support, please contact our Service Centre at or on 0800 389 6332.

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