An unfit solution to fire-and-rehire

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has announced they plan to bring forward a statutory code of practice on dismissal and reengagement, more commonly known as fire-and-rehire. 

Kate Dearden, Head of Research, Policy and External Relations at Community, says:

“The move today from the government to introduce increased punishments for employers who use the despicable practice of fire and rehire is a step in the right direction.

The fact the government have brought this statutory code of practice shows they recognise that fire and rehire is wrong, that it harms working people, our economy and our country. However, they have presented an unfit solution to the problem of fire and rehire. All the code will do is make employers think a little harder before they fire and rehire their workforce. What our members need is for this practice to be illegal so it becomes impossible for employers. Working people deserve to be afforded protection that means they can rest easy in the knowledge their job can’t be snatched away from them at a moments notice.

There is a reason the trade union movement have been calling for the practice to be outlawed. Having represented millions of working people for decades, we are the experts in what working people need and how they can be protected. The government should listen to us and outlaw this practice once and for all.”

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